RENOMIA's Risk Mapping Software is of the world class
09. October 2016
RENOMIA has its own Risk Mapping Software based on international standards. The software is managed by Tomas Tragan, Head of Risk Management department.
Tomas Tragan is member of the Institute of Fire Engineers United Kingdom and has been given the prestigious certificate MiFireE.
By completing three steps, we can get output for identifying accurate client´s risks. Our Risk Mapping analyses stands on the following pillars: 1. RENOMIA Heat map - Map of insurable and uninsurable risks useful for discussion with our prospect about insurance program and declaring the knowledge of the prospect risk profile and possible solutions. This method could also be used for insurance program audit.
RENOIMIA Risk ranking - More detailed elaborated risk assessment based on a risk survey gives information about actual level of selected threats and safety measures of the client. It is possible to compare the risk profile among branches and during the time period between two risk surveys. Results show areas where possible investment should be done.
RENOMIA Complex risk catalogue - Detailed risk assessment of all client´s risks. Useful as a kick off material for implementing risk management system.
“Expertise and reliable evaluation of risks, which client's business is exposed nowadays to, is crucial for all companies across the whole scale of industries.”
Tomáš Tragan
Our Head of Risk Management department Tomas Tragan is at your disposal should you have any question or need our support.
Tomas Tragan,, +420 724 132 610