Barbora Matusová recognized as The Innovator of the year 2018
15. April 2019
Innovation hub is a RENOMIA platform dedicated to collect ideas coming from RENOMIA employees. We believe that our employees are one of the greatest asset we have and at the same time a valuable source of great ideas.
We are bringing you a short interview with our Sport Specialist Barbora Matusova, who became the RENOMIA Innovator of 2018.

Your career in RENOMIA has led you from the Special Projects department to profiling as a Sports Specialist. How did this change happen?
I spent four years in the RENOMIA´s special projects team working for clients from the energy and transportation sector. I must say that I enjoyed it a lot. Last June, I was offered if I would be interested in developing a sport specialization. To be honest, I knew rightaway at that moment that I wanted to go for it. I just love sport adn the offer from the management made me really happy. Since my childhood I have played tennis and I have been interested in sports. This offer made perfect sense becase I could use the experience I have collected as a player and later as a coach. And I have similair life experience with many professional athletes - before joining RENOMIA I was struggling with back and my body was out of shape. So heavy training, injuries, reconvalescence, end of career and other similar topics are close to me and I feel that I somehow intuitively know what I'm talking about when talking to my new clients.
Barbora, You brought a lot of innovative ideas for improving processes and facilitating the work of a broker to become an innovator of the year. What inspired you most to innovate ideas?
From my point of view, it's very simple. First, I try to make my work, and also work for my colleagues, easier and I look into things the way I would like to get serviced as a client. To tell you the truth, if I hear something in the sense - it cannot be done like that - it makes me want to do it differently and right.
You are very active on your LinkedIn profile, what always gets me are your posts on various sports disciplines and on topics ranging from Biomechanical walking to wearing hats in sports. What do you like most about sports and which sports / sports do you love?
I like all sports and I also enjoy watching the results. Mostly I love watching football and tennis. But I would say that I literally enjoy learning about not so widespread or emerging sports. Maybe now I like Quidditch a lot. At sport of this type is love the main driver. Loving the sport should not be forgotten, especially with children. I also like to support the sporting sector, where women are not so common.
What is your favorite motto?
It's a quote by Rafael Nadal, which means a lot to me. "If you don’t have the will to improve, you don’t understand sport, because sport is always about improving. That’s the meaning of sport. It’s playing with the dream of doing something better than what you were doing before. When you’re not working with the passion to do something better, I think that sport loses its sense." I think that is so true both in work and personal life.
Your ideal relaxation and vacation?
I like spending my time with my family. We have a terrier called Mini who will definitely not let us sit. I spend my holidays most often in the mountains during summer. Views on the mountains make me happy and relaxed. And I must not forget tennis. But this is a clear addiction and such badness does not belong here. :-).